Makeup artists entering the field in Pennsylvania become licensed cosmetologists or estheticians (skin care specialists). Cosmetology and esthetician licenses require 1,650 and 300 hours of beauty training respectively in order to qualify for the state examination. There are dozens of accredited beauty schools in cities and towns all over Pennsylvania. Interested persons need to contact individual schools to learn specifics about their makeup programs.
The requirements for a permanent makeup license must be obtained from individual county health departments.
Salaries of Personal Appearance Makeup Artists
The following table compares BLS figures for Personal Appearance Workers nationally and in Pennsylvania.
Salary figures reported don’t include gratuity, which adds considerably to a makeup artist’s income. In a salon setting, tips can add 25% or even more to the salaries shown here.
Theatrical and Performance Makeup Artist Salaries
There is a significant difference between the salaries of theatrical makeup artists who work in the motion picture, TV and video industries and those who work in salons, cosmetics stores or bridal boutiques as well as freelancers who develop their own clientele. Makeup artists are also employed by fashion and other photographers, carnivals, circuses and even mortuaries.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) theatrical and performance makeup artists earn a mean annual salary and hourly wage of $66,330/$31.89 with the top 10 percent earning over $121,910/$58.61. There are no BLS salary figures for theatrical makeup artists in Pennsylvania but a beauty school website reports that Pennsylvania theatrical makeup artists can expect to earn a mean annual salary or hourly wage of $67,580/$32.47.
Makeup Artist Salaries in Different Pennsylvania Cities/Regions
As to be expected salaries are usually higher in metropolitan areas where the cost of living is also often relatively higher. BLS salaries for personal appearance workers in the nonmetropolitan area of East Central Pennsylvania are:
The following is a Bureau of Labor Statistics table of personal appearance makeup artist salaries for large cities and metropolitan areas in Pennsylvania: